Branch History

The Springfield (now Springfield-Annandale) branch of AAUW was organized in March of 1955 and received into the Virginia Division that Fall. Composed primarily of young college educated women at home with young children in a young community of newly built homes, it has evolved into an organization of women of many ages with strong interest in current issues, particularly women’s issues.

In its first year the branch adopted a resolution opposing the Gray Amendment (“massive resistance” to integration of the public schools) to the Virginia constitution, studied the criteria to be followed in selecting a site for a branch of the University of Virginia in Northern Virginia and studied American economic foreign policy and the cultures of India and Pakistan. Over the years, branch activities have ranged over a variety of interests: voter registration drives, get out the vote campaigns, a conference for teenage girls, lobbying at both the state and federal level and more, excursions to interesting places, support of school bond referendums, adopt-a-highway, monitoring of school board and other government meetings and speakers on a wide variety of subjects.